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Results for "main_practice: You, for_children: y"
The Hospital Book A lively mix of humor, honesty, and sympathy around the experience of a first hospitalization.
I Knew You Could Do It! A celebration of gumption, grit, and accomplishment.
When You're Scared A story of a boy and a bear that shows there's often something to be done to lessen danger and increase kindness.
The Undefeated An ode to the resilience and accomplishments of African Americans.
The Land of Nod A creative rendering of Robert Louis Stevenson's 1885 poem by a gifted English illustrator.
Parachute A delightfully illustrated story about how a little boy gains self-confidence.
Little Big Apt lessons about gratitude and not making comparisons.
Bulldozer's Big Day A charming story about having big expectations.
On the Night You Were Born A delightful children's book that celebrates the birth of your child.
A Pebble for Your Pocket Simple Buddhist practices for children from the beloved teacher.